Jeg er en av de mange som bruker å følge Oscar utdelingen, og idag kom nominasjonene. 9 nominasjoner, go Avatar!
Beste film: Avatar
The blind side
District 9
An education
The hurt locker
Inglourious basterds
A serious man
Up in the air
Beste regi: James Cameron (Avatar)
Kathryn Bigelow (The hurt locker)
Quentin Tarantino (Inglourious basterds)
Lee Daniels (Precious)
Jason Reitman (Up in the air)
Beste kvinnelige hovedrolle:Sandra Bullock (The blind side)
Helen Mirren (The last station)
Carey Mulligan (An education)
Gabourey Sidibe (Precious)
Meryl Streep (Julie & Julia)
Beste mannlige hovedrolle: Jeff Bridges (Crazy heart)
George Clooney (Up in the air)
Colin Firth (A single man)
Morgan Freeman (Invictus)
Jeremy Renner (The hurt locker)
Beste kvinnelige birolle: Penelope Cruz (Nine)
Vera Farmiga (Up in the air)
Maggie Gyllenhaal (Crazy heart)
Anna Kendrick (Up in the air)
Mo'nique (Precious)
Beste mannlige birolle: Matt Damon (Invictus)
Woody Harrelson (The messenger)
Christopher Plummer (The last station)
Stanley Tucci (The lovely bones)
Christoph Waltz (Inglourious basterds)